A Letter from the Executive Director

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Dear Friends,

Today we mark the summer solstice, a celebration of the nourishing light of the sun and the light within each of us, a time of renewal and abundance. The earth, resplendent in her beauty, invites us to connect with her vibrant energy, remembering that we stand within, not apart from nature. We are children of the sun, the daystar that makes all life possible, and we are reminded to live with understanding, reciprocity, and respect for all that is given to us. This is a time to enjoy and engage more deeply in our relationship with earth; and cultivate and strengthen our connection to the divine all around us.

Our ancestors lived in harmony with the sun and moon, and knew the sacredness of such times. The summer solstice is a time to pause and let oneself be “sun-soaked” in God’s love. 

"Holy is this fire of midsummer, and holy are you, O God.
From your burning heart you drew forth a fiery ball and flung it into space.
Your laughter shook the empty cosmos and echoed again and again
until the darkness of space resounded with your love and with fire.
You reached in again and drew forth fire and seeded it like yeast
in each atom, plant and animal, each bird, fish, man, and woman.
And you gave us a special star, our sun, aflame with a life-evoking energy
to make our planet green and fertile,
sun-soaked in your love."

— Taken from Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim by Edward Hays

In Mercy,

Sr. Anne Curtis, RSM
Executive Director