Stories of Giving
Mercy by the Sea welcomes all to a place of quiet to hear one's still inner voice and explore a new way of being. Our participants share with us their gratitude and call to assure that all have the ability to come regardless of their financial situation.
Your donations enable space to all who seek a new way of being including those experiencing homelessness, poverty, profound transitions, grief, health care providers, religious, clergy, teachers, and many more.
Assuring Mercy Is Open to All
Recently we had a retreatant named Kath stop by to set up a recurring donation. This is a really wonderful way that makes donating easy for the donor and also helps Mercy by the Sea. Kath shared that she preferred to not use her credit card to make the donation. After some conversation we were able to set up Mercy by the Sea on her online banking app as a monthly “bill” that sends Mercy $25 by check directly from her bank account.
This is another way that you can send a monthly donation, and we are so grateful for Kath for not only her gift, but also for shining a light on another easy way to support Mercy.
When asked why she donates, she shared:
“We all have busy lives and yet we all need time to pray, reflect, and to catch up with ourselves on a regular basis. For me a retreat house, especially one by the sea - has been just such a refuge. Mercy by the Sea offers a beautiful, welcoming, safe and sacred place for just that purpose. The rooms are clean, bright, with a private bath. The food is excellent and freshly prepared. The dining room is newly renovated and lovely. The community areas are gracious and there is always new art on display in the gallery. The Chapel is beautiful. There is even a Creative Room where guests are invited to draw or paint. The fees are kept as low as possible, and the programs offered serve a wide variety of needs and wants all year long. Mercy by the Sea is a gem. Such places need and deserve our support. For that reason, I chose to include Mercy as part of my monthly giving. When I support Mercy by the Sea, I help others as I help myself. I participate in the circle of giving. And my life is enriched.”

Over five years ago, I discovered an invitation to join Mercy by the Sea’s School of Spirituality. The description for this opportunity welcomed me to seek and discover a deeper meaning of the wisdom shared through the Old and New Testaments — and to reflect upon how the ancient stories of others have and continue to guide me during my own life journey. In that moment, I felt feelings of such excitement and joy paired with a sense of hope and relief. The message I received was that this host, this place to seek and discover, would embrace and empower my spiritual yearnings in all forms. This memory triggers a feeling of “homecoming” as I recognize it as being a gift of an awakening, a sort of taking a turn in a direction of self-discovery and healing while being embraced by God. After completing the two years of the School of Spirituality, I moved into the Spiritual Direction Practicum for two additional years.
The Practicum’s invitations to read assigned books containing spiritual wisdom shared by relatable modern authors, to write weekly self-reflections, to share within a safe space of the deepest despairs and joys of my and colleagues’ lives, and to welcome the vulnerability of directees to be open to a loving God’s presence, provided me with a consistent healing that has been life changing. As a human being who has been given this current life upon Earth, as a wife, mother to two young children, a daughter, a friend, and stranger to many, I understand that our shared world is shifting into a mystery of challenging transition and transformation. But, I sense an underlying consistency in the message I receive through my own space and time with God:
Creation encourages us to seek and discover the love and beauty of God within and along our relatable and differing moments of our individual journeys. These invitations are not limited. We don’t have to seek outward towards a limiting Universe of a dark abyss of unreachable mystery. God’s presence is in the here and now. Our individual learning styles, languages in all forms, and discoveries connecting us to God are within our unique designs.
Some of the most important questions I have discovered as being the most challenging include: “How do I define God?”, “How do I recognize God throughout my days?” and “What does God look like to me?” Because of such questions, my moments within days have shifted into a more respectful, loving and nurturing dimension. A place that welcomes the infinite mystery of all creation.
I imagine the people of our shared world having a place to reflect, to speak, to be heard, and discover the consistencies that God is communicating to us collectively through our own individual languages. I once again imagine that collection of unique languages blending into one unitive, well-understood message… “You are loved.”
I look forward to witnessing others whose lives are transformed through the plentiful programs at Mercy by the Sea. I am confident my ongoing support will carry on the mercy-filled difference that these programs make within others’ lives.

One of the most meaningful events of the year for me is experiencing the Triduum at Mercy by the Sea.
As soon as I walk in the front door, I am greeted by friends with a smile and a big hug, which fills me with joy and makes me feel as if I am home again.
Triduum for me is taking the time to be still; to soak up the quiet; to be surrounded by the beauty of nature; to meditate once more on the life of Jesus and to ponder how this journey is reflected in my life.
The time with others in silence creates a bond of unity among us; we are pilgrims on a journey. And when we walk from darkness into light at the Easter Vigil, the chorus of Alleluias makes real that "Jesus is alive. He is risen as He said."
I am so grateful for Mercy by the Sea and for all who make my time so special. I believe very strongly in committing my financial support and prayers to this place of holy ground and to the mission of Mercy by the Sea.
I have come to Mercy by the Sea for many years to experience this love of Jesus and let it pour out of my own life to others as a chaplain to the sick and homebound.
Words from our participants:
Mercy by the Sea offers sacred ground for all who walk there, all who sit on the rocks or driftwood, all who are seeking. I value the combination of its rootedness in the mystery we call God, and at the same time, the spaciousness for my personal explorations into that mystery. I came decades ago, seeking healing, and found safety, wisdom, and beauty - all working together to offer me healing and hope.
I am a consistent participant in the creative programming and retreat experiences because here I can open my heart to the Divine in its many voices, its many ways of loving me. We all have a story, we all have wonderings about our lives...Mercy by the Sea nourishes a new way of being, for me: loved, citizen of Earth, child of God, and valuable participant in the unfolding of our future together.
Mercy By The Sea has enriched our lives, heightening our awareness along our respective spiritual paths, exposing us to new frontiers of growth, opening us to the beauty of nature, and the cosmos, exhorting us to take action, and nurturing in us a feeling of deep peace, as we live into a New Way of Being.
Since my weeklong silent retreat at Mercy by the Sea, my life has changed for the better. Prior to my visit, I had not heard of Centering Prayer, nor had I experienced its powerful effects. Each time I sit in silence, I am transported back to the sacred peace I found at Mercy by the Sea.
Mercy feels like sacred space – a place to listen to whatever God wants for me.
Thank you note for the financial assistance you helped me with. Without this aid, I would have been unable to attend the program “Living Resistance” with Kaitlyn Curtice in April. It was an excellent program and I enjoyed being able to spend time in the beautiful surroundings. Please extend my gratitude to others who help with the Mercy for All Fund.
Mercy by the Sea will continue to guide me through the perception of the beauty within my life, even as I recognize there are many questions that I will continue to carry while embracing an unimaginable mystery throughout it all.”
The sense of peace, calm and hospitality is what I will bring into my daily life from my time spent at Mercy. I am grateful for the experience. It was one that I gave myself as a birthday gift – the best gift received!