Dear Friends,
The past week has been a bit of whiplash. There have been both severe storms and beautiful summer days. We have experienced high winds, lightning, thunder, pounding rain and a rainbow. Thankfully, we escaped any major damage to the trees and shore, just a power outage that was quickly resolved. All that between luscious summer days and a verdancy of the land that is atypical of this time of year. What are we to make of it all?
There is painful awareness of so many who are suffering the impacts of the climate crisis. In reading Sr. Elizabeth Johnson’s meditations on God and Earth in Come Have Breakfast, she shares that God’s presence is easier to experience in the beauty and seems void in a world that is desolate. She goes on to say that the Creator abides even amid destruction, this God sorrows for our world as it is ravaged. God is present in all of it, always ensuring the potential for something new.
What is ours to be and do then? The Season of Creation begins on September 1, the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and ends on October 4, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. All are invited to participate through prayer, sustainability projects and advocacy. See the Season of Creation for ideas. Let us hope and act with all of Creation, that we renew the face of our Earth.
In Mercy,