Our Deepest Gratitude to Mauryeen O’Brien, O.P.
By Claire Rusowicz, Program Associate
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After 30 years of facilitating programs at Mercy by the Sea, Mauryeen O’Brien, O.P., has made her last offering this spring. Over those many years, through her bereavement programs, Sister Mauryeen tended graciously and compassionately to the hearts and spirits of some the most vulnerable seekers crossing our threshold.
Through a combination of prayer, conversation, reverent quiet and ritual, her programs nurtured and inspired hundreds of individuals through his or her very personal walk into the deepest, most difficult mystery of faith most of us ever encounter.
On their program feedback forms, participants explained how they’ve were touched and healed by the Center’s natural beauty, the community they engaged with for a few hours, a nourishing meal and gentle hospitality. But it’s been Sister Mauryeen’s presence and personal faith that encouraged, “hope for the first time,” “trust that I haven’t been forgotten by God,” “belief that there is still life for me and my family” and “a desire to pray again.”
I would occasionally walk down to the meeting room before her program to check in and make sure she had everything she needed. She was often sitting quietly, waiting, having finished her set-up and even hand writing out name tags for each participant, no matter how small or large her group. I was touched to realize that each person would be greeted by being known, greeted with the assurance that they already have been held in prayer. For some, having their name tags made for them was one less thing they had to do. As simple as that act may be, some participants may have used every ounce of energy that morning to get up and make the trip to our doors. As so many know from experience, nothing can be more exhausting than grief.
Sister Mauryeen is not retiring altogether. She currently is working in formation for her community. As she lives down the highway from us in New Haven, she’s promised that she will come to the Center to enjoy her own, quiet days of renewal and peace. And she will be a resource for us as we continue her legacy in the area of grief and bereavement, developing and offering programs that remain at the heart of our ministry of mercy.
Please join us in offering prayers and blessings of gratitude to Sr. Mauryeen.
Mauryeen O’Brien, a Dominican Sister of Hope, is the former Director of Bereaved and Divorced ministries for the Archdiocese of Hartford. She is also a retreat director, certified grief counselor, and a support group facilitator trainer. Sister Mauryeen has authored several books on bereavement, including Lift Up Your Hearts: Meditations for Those Who Mourn, Gentle Keeping: Prayers and Services for Remembering Departed Loved Ones Throughout the Year, Praying Through Grief, and her most recent, Catholic and Mourning a Loss: 5 Challenges and 5 Opportunities.
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