Dear Friends,
Pentecost celebrates again the ancient vision of God's fire bringing new life, renewal, and profound connection. When the disciples began to preach, people were confused and amazed because they each heard the words in their own language. The multiple languages represent everything that divides us, everything that blocks communion. People who were accustomed to boundaries, one group divided from another, found themselves swept up in the same movement. The old separations had fallen away, and their hearts were set on fire.
We are living in a chaotic and divisive time. However, Pentecost has the power to break down the boundaries of our settled and certain attitudes, opinions, and behaviors. This feast of profound connection is not just a past event, but a call to renewed awareness of and commitment to our connection and interdependence with all of creation. Pentecost proclaims that diversity enriches and leads us to grow more deeply in community with all God’s beloved.
May we have the courage to allow the Spirit, who has given a variety of gifts, to make us one and truly holy.
In Mercy,