Dawnings: Meet me in Shalom
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“Shalom is a small building on the property that has housed a wealth of people resources-- our spiritual directors - who have touched the lives of many persons through their programs, retreats, and spiritual direction both on and off site."
Florence Trahan RSM; Mary Daly RSM; Judy Fortune RSM; Sue LaVoie, Jay Bowes; Connie DeBiase CSJ; Margaret Pearl Duvall SMSM; Claire Rusowicz; Elaine Deasy RSM; Mary Fahy RSM; Joan Bernard OP; Janet Weber RSCJ; Joan Linley; Patricia McAleese PBVM; Eva Schoell IHM; Patricia Cook RSM; Peggy Luby RSM…
“Shalom signifies peace or wholeness and it symbolizes the depth longing in every human heart. The name helps focus Mercy Center’s faith vision that the quality of life deepens as we rediscover and embrace the religious and human values that move us toward wholeness, toward peace, and enable us to relate to others from an inner centeredness or depth that makes a prophetic difference in our world. Shalom brings us in touch with the depths of both the Hebrew and Christian traditions.” —Sister Florence Trahan upon the re-naming of St. Joseph Building as Shalom in 1988.
What is spiritual direction? Spiritual direction welcomes one to explore, discover and share ways in which we can recognize the endless presence of God within moments. It is a moment of unique nurturing and transformation
Many persons have journeyed with spiritual directors at Mercy by the Sea and many have been trained as spiritual directors participating in the two year Spiritual Direction Practicum that has been a significant presence in spiritual formation at Mercy Center for nearly 25 years since its development by Sister Florence Trahan and partnered with a number of staff: Mary Daly RSM, Elaine Deasy RSM, Judy Fortune RSM, Joan Linley, Patricia Cook RSM, Julie Grey OP, Maria Decsy….
“In the winter of our struggles steady groups of gifted persons are welcomed, supported, challenged and loved into empowerment for others. Like a long awaited rose they bloom in our midst and bring new hope.” A few reflections shared from participants in the depth of the Practicum experience:
“Spiritual direction is like a zen art of presence to the moment. Taking each moment and comment and holding it out for prayerful respect.”
“I am realizing that listening with the intent of unveiling the power and presence of God’s love in someone’s life is not just a gift, but a skill that takes many years to hone and I am just beginning this process.”
“Each time we gather, it’s another Potter shaping time, or like the seed that gets planted by the farmer and then he (she) goes about living life and in the process the seed does its thing while no one can explain how. Both these images fit so well for this program. Someone says something that touches us, that frees us, that stirs us. Well, all this ‘seeding’ is working. Each verbatim holds another seed, another breaking open of the meat.”
This opportunity in spiritual formation connected with other opportunities to grow as a spiritual director through Internships in Spiritual Direction/Spirituality and for experienced directors to develop their skills and expertise in an annual Institute in Spiritual Direction.
Do you have a memory of a Shalom experience? If so, please feel free to email it to Sister Genie Guterch.