Labyrinth Closed
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The Shrubbery has been removed from the Labyrinth and moved to the wooded area near the garage for chipping and composting. For the next several weeks, we will remove and relocate the excess granite chips to level the Labyrinth for brick placement. If you are interested in helping with these efforts, please contact
We wanted to share some very welcome news for those of our guests who love and miss our walkable Labyrinth. Over the next several months our Labyrinth will be closed as it is restored. We thank you for your patience and care over these many months as we discerned the best approach for restoring the Labyrinth to a usable, sustainable, and safe space.
We will be removing the shrubbery and composting it on site. We will then be replacing the path boundaries that the shrubbery demarcated with brick (as is used now to demarcate the path, and the walkway will be Stony creek pink granite stones – as is now used).
We hope to have it fully open by early spring.
If you would like to be contacted once it is open, please contact us at 203.245.0401. Thank you for your prayers and support and may God bless you.