Prayerful Resources for Your Lenten Journey

By Mercy by the Sea Staff

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Lent is a time of entering into our inner desert, a time of stripping away distractions in order to deepen our relationship with God. It’s a time to pray, to reflect, to sacrifice small pleasures or take on spiritual practices with renewed fervor.  Here are several resources that Mercy by the Sea staff  have found to be valuable companions during this season.  We hope they will inspire you too on your Lenten journey.

Contemplative Prayer  (Doubleday, 1996) by Thomas Merton 
This small volume, written by the Trappist monk and best-selling author who died in 1968, describes facets and dynamics of monastic prayer. But its content can be used by anyone as a primer for practicing contemplative prayer.  My copy is underlined and dog-eared as I go back year after year to drink in the wisdom that comes from Merton’s experiences with contemplative prayer.  A must read for those inclined to the contemplative path.    - Anne Simpkinson, Director of Communications

The Impact of God: Soundings from St. John of the Cross (Hodder & Stoughton, 1995) by Iain Matthew
The Impact of God is a book which, for me, encourages trust in and commitment to authentic prayer while living all of life authentically, particularly through the mystery of suffering and darkness. It's one of those books that I have to read a few pages at a time and then let the words "work" on me.  - Claire Rusowicz, Program Associate

Lenten Novena for Protectors of Mother Earth, March 1-9, 2017, developed by The Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach and the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas’ Institute Justice Team.
This nine-day novena, which starts on Ash Wednesday, invites individuals to stand with people, especially those in indigenous communities, who have made sacrifices to protect natural resources and sacred territory.  Each day includes prayers, readings, reflections and excerpts from Laudato Si.  - Ann McGovern, RSM, Director of Mission Integration and Hospitality

Sounds of the Eternal: a Celtic Psalter (New Beginnings, 2012) by John Philip Newell
For this slim volume, John Philip Newell has written morning and evening prayers, accompanied by short Scriptural passages and simple yet striking reproductions of paintings by Tobi Kahn. The prayers resonate with a deep desire to know God, feel God’s presence in all of creation and in every moment. Also included are versions of the Lord’s Prayer, Magnificat, Beatitudes and Song of Simeon.  This prayer book would make a valuable Lenten companion.  - Anne Simpkinson, Director of Communications

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