Receiving and Taking Up a Prayer for Peace

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Dear Friends,

In Catherine McAuley’s Suscipe, the line “take from my heart all painful anxiety,” is like a mantra these days as our nation, world, and Earth experience so much violence. There have been over 200 mass shootings this year, cataclysmic storms are wreaking havoc from west to east, and war erupts in yet another country. It’s tempting to bury one’s head in the sand. Just how do we keep our heart and spirit centered?

The Risen Christ greeted the disciples with the word peace numerous times, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.” (John 14:27) We are reminded of that invitation or call throughout the Easter season. Peace is the deepest need and longing of our hearts and of our world. It is a profound and compelling message so urgently needed at this time. 

Suscipe is the Latin word for “receive.” It is a prayer of entrustment, of both receiving and taking up. Like Catherine McAuley in troubled times, let us turn to prayer. Let us take up the plea for peace. Pray the Suscipe and “cast your whole self into the arms of God’s Providence” as together we seek to be in solidarity with one another, our Earth, and all who are victims of violence. Let us be bearers of peace.



Anne Curtis, RSM
Executive Director