
Love Without Boundaries

With the announcement that financial aid is being cut to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, my prayer this morning drifted to the many trips I had made to visit our Mercy mission in Chanmagua, Guatemala. One trip, in particular, stood out.

My travelling companion, Sister Ellen Kurtz and I had spent the night in Guatemala City en route to Chanmagua. After travelling across Guatemala City, we boarded the bus to begin the four-hour bus trip — no bathrooms or AC on the bus — to Esquipulas. There we planned to meet our Sisters and travel the rest of the way up the mountain, ultimately arriving in Chanmagua.

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By Eileen Dooling, Executive Director  | 

A Subtle Form of Violence

A few weeks ago, the Sisters of Mercy Northeast Community sent a letter to each member inviting us to engage in a “deeper reflection of our own internalized violence.”  I am so grateful to my community for continually encouraging me to look deeper at my behaviors, language and motivations, but the interior exploration of personal violence is not an easy one.

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By Eileen Dooling, RSM, Executive Director  | 

In the Same the Airport

Recently I attended a meeting of the leaders of Mercy retreat houses in the U.S. where the conversation focused on what people need today and how Mercy retreat houses can fill those needs. Everyone spoke deeply about the good people who show up at our doors looking for something — perhaps silence, a re-connection with themselves or God, or a trained and listening ear. I was inspired by the conversation and realized I was not alone in this unique ministry. We agreed to collaborate and cooperate with one another for the common good, to share our ideas and knowledge, and to continue to work together.

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By Eileen Dooling, RSM  | 

Holding the Light in a World of Mercy

Ann Grasso, whose exhibit, “Begging Bowls, Offering Bowls,” is currently on display in our Mary C. Daly RSM Art Gallery, included with her artwork a poem by Stuart Kestenbaum called “Holding the Light”:

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By Eileen Doolong, RSM  | 

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