school shootings

An Uprising of Hope

We gathered five days after the high school shooting that killed 17 people in Parkland, Florida, to begin planning for the Holy Week Triduum of 2018. There had been 18 school shootings since the beginning of January. Within a month’s time, the noted artist, Janet McKenzie, would bring her exhibit, “Embracing Hope” to Mercy by the Sea’s art gallery. How does “Embracing Hope” enter into our “celebration” of the Passion/ Resurrection of Christ with anything more than platitudes?

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By Mary C. Daly, RSM  | 

The Enterprise Is Exploration into God

The news of the Parkland, Florida, shooting stunned me and has left me somewhat speechless.  How could this happen again in our “civilized” society?  In our schools? So many young people! And teachers and staff. So much loss. So much hurt.

Since that day, I have been impressed and deeply moved by the commitment and cogent words, the poise, presence and pain of the young people who have taken to the streets and to the halls of governmental power. They are on the march and we adults had better stand up or step aside.

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By By Eileen Dooling, RSM, Executive Director  |