
Watering the Spirit and Soil During Droughts

Nurturing growth during times of scarcity is a challenge for the gardener and the seeker. Certain guidelines apply to both the quest for a bountiful harvest and a fruitful life. Here are just a few:

One must start with good soil. Watering land that is compacted and not fertile is wasteful.
Likewise, the soil of our spirit must be open to spiritual direction.

The gardener does not plant and then ignore the new seedlings. Instead, faithful aerating creates soil that can absorb water while weeding eliminates other plants that compete for valuable resources.
It’s a good practice to eliminate distractions from our life that crowd out the spiritual lessons we seek.

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By Jean Golicz, Master Gardener and Mercy by the Sea Volunteer  | 

Garden Reflections on the Unexpected and Unwanted

Once a month, the volunteer gardeners at Mercy Center will share lessons learned, both spiritual and practical. Look for these reflections on spirit and soil. Perhaps you might even consider joining us for a chat in the garden and a cup of tea. If interested, please contact Ann McGovern, RSM, at 203.245.0401, ext. 111. 

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By By Jean Golicz, Volunteer Gardener  | 

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