Dear Friends,
It’s not every day I send a message like this.
YOU have met the goal we set!
We are so immensely grateful and overjoyed with your response to our Fall Appeal. The generosity of so many has been overwhelming. Those of us entrusted to care for this sacred space are deeply touched and humbled with your support.
Together, 91 donors gave a total of $112,679 to support the renovation of The Catherine McAuley Dining Room. When we set our goal, we had great hope, but we weren’t prepared for the amazing response from our kind donors. Thank you so much for going beyond the goal of $100,000 shared in September.
We still have many other dreams and hopes for Mercy by the Sea. So, we will gladly welcome any further gifts from those of you who have not donated yet. The invitation to join in this giving opportunity continues. For those of you who have donated, thank you so very much.
Every day, I am taught this lesson again: trust, know, and believe in what is possible. Together, in Mercy, all is possible. Together, let us continue living in the moment of joyful gratitude for the community of Mercy who is choosing to support The Catherine McAuley Dining Room renovation – what a community to be a part of!
With heartfelt gratitude,