
The Blog of Mercy by the Sea

We at Mercy by the Sea have so much we want to share with you:

  • Inspiring and transformational quotes, prayers, poems, videos and books we discover or rediscover
  • Conversations with upcoming presenters
  • News and events about what's happening at Mercy by the Sea
  • Resources and thoughts on contemplative prayer, spiritual direction, the second half of life, emerging leadership, creativity, our relationship with nature and much more!

You'll find seasonal photos of the grounds — vegetation, trees and winged and four-legged creatures that make their homes here.  We'll capture changes in the light and colors as the seasons change.  So bookmark this page and come back regularly. or subscribe to our weekly eNewsletter where these posts will be sent to your email inbox.

"It's In Our Nature: A Travel Photography Exhibition" comes to the Mary C. Daly, RSM Art Gallery on January 14, 2024

Beginning January 14, you can experience the travel photography of Rachael McNerney in the exhibit, "It's in Our Nature: A Travel Photography Exhibition". In Rachael's international travels to over 40 countries she convened with nature and captured the inherent beauty of the world in photographs. These images garner appreciation for the creator of earth that provides a marvelous terrain for our adventures through life. When immersed in nature we are able to remember how we are connected to the earth and each other. In this exhibition she aims to show you places you may not have seen yet to inspire you to further explore and appreciate the world around and within you.

The Mary C. Daly, RSM Gallery is fully accessible and conveniently located just inside the main entrance to Mercy by the Sea. The gallery is open to all from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Join Us for an Artist Reception
Meet the artist, Rachael McNerney, and explore the exhibit "It's in Our Nature: A Travel Photography Exhibition" on January 14 from 2-4 p.m. in the Mary C. Daly, RSM Art Gallery.

About the Artist
Rachael McNerney, Director and Herbalist of World Canopy LLC, helps others to heal themselves holistically and bring the world closer to the bounty of wisdom that nature provides. Most of the individuals she works with in her online Clinical Herbalism practice are burnout workaholics knocked down by fatigue and chronic dis-ease. They are usually high achievers who have been doing everything for everyone else for too long, living outside the capacity of their nervous system.

She teaches plant based living and detoxification for recovery from Chronic Active Epstein-Barr Virus, chronic fatigue and adrenal dysregulation. She believes your recovery from any type of illness is fostered by collective effort and empowerment. She knows that healing with plants will help you move beyond emotional and physical distress toward a more energized, balanced, and spiritually aligned self.

Posted 12/7/2023

Gratitude Abounds

Dear Friends,

As we anticipate Thanksgiving, there is an abundance of gratitude at Mercy by the Sea. We have seen the goodness, grace and generosity of so many. It is true that much is received by an individual when in this sacred space or participating in a program or retreat. But we have also seen so much life and energy from you, that motivates our desire to grow, including greater ecological care, inclusivity, social justice, and more into the future. Because of that, together we are invited to a way of being that becomes goodness and light for our world, which is no small task given the suffering that permeates life across our world. 

We are immensely grateful to you who have made contributions for the renovation of the Catherine McAuley dining room appeal. We are making our way toward the goal! We are thankful for the tending and care of the land, which looks beautiful, by the volunteer gardeners. The “Tower” or Henri Nouwen room is almost finished with its new windows, paint, carpet and furniture thanks to a generous donor, the Sisters of Mercy and volunteer design work by friends of Mercy by the Sea. The Mitchell conference room is in the process of being refreshed and will have new windows because of the support of the Sisters of Mercy. Hosting requests keep staff breathless with the many groups who want to meet here. Retreats and programs are flourishing with waiting lists for most of our offerings!  

During this season of Thanksgiving, we are grateful for so much support and want you to know you are held in our prayer. May you and yours be lavishly blessed.  

In Mercy,


Sr. Anne Curtis, RSM
Executive Director

Posted 11/9/2023

Labyrinth Closed

The Shrubbery has been removed from the Labyrinth and moved to the wooded area near the garage for chipping and compostingFor the next several weeks, we will remove and relocate the excess granite chips to level the Labyrinth for brick placement.  If you are interested in helping with these efforts, please contact 


We wanted to share some very welcome news for those of our guests who love and miss our walkable Labyrinth. Over the next several months our Labyrinth will be closed as it is restored. We thank you for your patience and care over these many months as we discerned the best approach for restoring the Labyrinth to a usable, sustainable, and safe space.  

We will be removing the shrubbery and composting it on site. We will then be replacing the path boundaries that the shrubbery demarcated with brick (as is used now to demarcate the path, and the walkway will be Stony creek pink granite stones – as is now used).  

We hope to have it fully open by early spring. 

If you would like to be contacted once it is open, please contact us at 203.245.0401.  Thank you for your prayers and support and may God bless you. 

Posted 11/7/2023

Honoring the Ongoing Connection Between the Living and the Dead

Posted 10/26/2023