Dear Friends,
Turning the calendar to February, this year Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day fall on the same day. What an interesting connection. We have been planning for Lent with a beautiful array of programs and resources and then the feast of love creeps into things. These words might offer a way to hold this convergence, “Remember that you are beloved, and to love you shall return.” Isn’t Lent meant to be a journey to the heart of Jesus, an invitation to deepen our relationship with God, to growth, to love?
We invite you to unite with the community of Mercy this season of Lent by praying with us. Among other programs, a weekly Visio-Divina-type prayer experience with English and Spanish versions, co-sponsored by the 13 Mercy Retreat Centers of North and South America will be available beginning February 21st on the Mercy by the Sea website. Essentially a prayer spread out over 40 days, Lent is meant to be a communal journey, so please join us in praying with the Mercy community north and south.
May this Lenten experience be a transforming voyage, a journey leading to the beloved. We look forward to walking the next 40 days with you. May our journey be blessed as we find ourselves living more deeply into the radicality of ashes and love.
In Mercy,