A Letter from the Executive Director

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The beautiful results of Tuesday's snow storm.


Dear Friends,

The Lenten journey has begun. Remembering it is a communal one, you are invited to pray with the Mercy community each week using the prayer created by the Mercy Retreat and Spirituality Centers of North and South America. Based on the five Critical Concerns of the Sisters of Mercy, the prayer is a way to live into this time, acknowledging the interconnectedness of all things and honoring the sacred in all creation. This sacred season reminds us to listen once again to the call that invites us beyond ego, divisions, consumerism and to sink into the love of the Divine One.  

In Judy Cannato’s Lenten Reflections Quantum Grace she writes, “remember that you are connected, and to connection you return.” Her words echo the those of Ash Wednesday, reminding us that we are united with all that exists. What if the Ashes were mingled with the ruins of Ukrainian cities, the rubble of the wildfires in Chile, or the soil of your own yard? Embracing those connections will shift how we move through this season of Lent. Imagine life out of the oneness that is at the heart of creation. Let us journey these 40 days as one heart, one community. 

In Mercy,


Sr. Anne Curtis, RSM
Executive Director