A Renewed Sense of Community

By Sr. Eileen Dooling, RSM

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 The book, The Hidden Life of Trees, by Peter Wohlleben presents a poignant analogy to what is asked of us on this day in our history.

According to Wohlleben, the roots of trees extend outward to each other, giving one another strength, sharing nourishment, and creating a safe ecosystem so the trees can thrive. A tree on its own will not survive to old age. To get to this point, however, the community (of trees) must remain intact, no matter what.

Our political environment of late has encouraged division and disrespect. Our uncertainty about our future causes us to entrench in our ideology and assume a combative stance. So it is important to remember the trees, which rely on each other and provide for each other…no matter what.

I often think of Rumi’s insight:

                You and I

                Have to live

                As if you and I

                Never heard

                Of a you

                And an I.

Let us keep vigil this day for a renewed sense of community. Let us remember our responsibility to be aware and active in the exercise of our world citizenship. And let us resolve, like the trees, to lean on each other to fulfill our hopes of creating a just and peaceful society. May God’s blessing be yours on this journey.

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