Gratitude Abounds

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Dear Friends,

As we anticipate Thanksgiving, there is an abundance of gratitude at Mercy by the Sea. We have seen the goodness, grace and generosity of so many. It is true that much is received by an individual when in this sacred space or participating in a program or retreat. But we have also seen so much life and energy from you, that motivates our desire to grow, including greater ecological care, inclusivity, social justice, and more into the future. Because of that, together we are invited to a way of being that becomes goodness and light for our world, which is no small task given the suffering that permeates life across our world. 

We are immensely grateful to you who have made contributions for the renovation of the Catherine McAuley dining room appeal. We are making our way toward the goal! We are thankful for the tending and care of the land, which looks beautiful, by the volunteer gardeners. The “Tower” or Henri Nouwen room is almost finished with its new windows, paint, carpet and furniture thanks to a generous donor, the Sisters of Mercy and volunteer design work by friends of Mercy by the Sea. The Mitchell conference room is in the process of being refreshed and will have new windows because of the support of the Sisters of Mercy. Hosting requests keep staff breathless with the many groups who want to meet here. Retreats and programs are flourishing with waiting lists for most of our offerings!  

During this season of Thanksgiving, we are grateful for so much support and want you to know you are held in our prayer. May you and yours be lavishly blessed.  

In Mercy,


Sr. Anne Curtis, RSM
Executive Director