
The Flow

A few years ago while participating in the School for the Second Half of Life, I began to write poetry about how that stage of life is a distinct developmental stage that calls to one’s creativity, and can lead to a greater sense of wholeness, freedom and meaning.  Here is one of my poems.

My life is a
story in

The first?
It’s the story of my
introductory journey,
my initial awareness,
in search of
to play
a particular part,
the world.

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By David Battle  | 

A Subtle Form of Violence

A few weeks ago, the Sisters of Mercy Northeast Community sent a letter to each member inviting us to engage in a “deeper reflection of our own internalized violence.”  I am so grateful to my community for continually encouraging me to look deeper at my behaviors, language and motivations, but the interior exploration of personal violence is not an easy one.

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By Eileen Dooling, RSM, Executive Director  | 

On Creativity and Spirituality

Creativity and spirituality are intimately connected. We speak of God as creating or bringing being out of nothingness. Our creative endeavor is the search for the apt expression of being.

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By Mary C. Daly, RSM  |