
Talking, Listening, Communicating

I was extremely proud when Smoochie, a male cat who’s lived with me for more than seven years, began to understand — and obey — my command, “Come here!” Not long ago, Mimi, who’s 15 and has been with me since she was six months old, was sitting on the dining room table. I called to her and patted my stomach once, twice and a third time. With feline grace — and in her own time — she came and curled up in my lap. Then there’s Mimi’s plaintive cry, which I have come to recognize as her request for kibbles.

The longer the cats and I live together, the better we're able to communicate with each other. Smoochie complains each morning that he's hungry and I try to persuade them not to scratch the furniture. My ability to communicate with them was never more important than the other day when a guest apparently went out the back, opening both the sliding glass door and the screen door, but only closing the sliding door behind them.

When I came into the living room, I wanted to get some air and so I open the sliding glass door not realizing that the screen door was also open. I put out food for the kitties and when I walked back into the living room, I saw to my horror that both doors were wide open. I ran to see if Smoochie was eating, he was not. I ran to the door calling his name, over and over and over. Finally, the scalliwag trotted over, sat down and gazed up at me. 

“Smooch, come on, come inside.” Luckily, he complied whereupon I immediately closed the screen door.

There’s a spiritual parallel here. Through prayer, spiritual reading, meditation and even acts of kindness, forgiveness and generosity, I believe we strengthen our connection to God. God, obviously, always understands what we’re saying, but listening to God’s Word and deeply understanding it, well, that takes time. But just like Mimi, Smoochie and me, the longer we hang out together, the better we communicate. And the longer I hang out with God and listen closely,  I can hear God issuing not a command, but an invitation, an invitation to Love.

By Anne A. Simpkinson, Director of Communications  | 

The Spirituality of Giving: Generosity Begets Generosity

Recently I had the opportunity to read A Spirituality of Fundraising by priest, author and teacher Henri Nouwen. This book opened a new awareness for me about the relationship between fundraising and giving, and how the experience of giving relates to the growth of our spiritual life. 

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By Lorraine LaVigne, RSM  | 

Reflections on the Spirituality of Giving


“Giving ... is a very rich and beautiful activity. It is a confident, joyful, and hopeful
expression of ministry. In ministering to each other, each from the riches that he
or she possesses, we work together for the full coming of God’s kingdom.”     
                                                                                                                            – Henri Nouwen                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

We so value our ongoing conversation about the spirituality of giving that, as spring begins to take shape, we hold you in our thoughts and share Nouwen’s words.

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Posted 4/11/2018