natural world

Paddling on the River of Life

One summer several years ago, I joined my niece and her family at a Family Camp held at Bishop’s Ranch in Healdsburg, California. One of the afternoon activities was canoeing on a local river. I hadn’t canoed since Girl Scout camp more than 40 years ago, and I discovered that I’m an abysmal paddler. Who had time to commune with nature when we kept zig-zagging down the river despite being helped by the current. Then, far worse, we struggled mightily to get back to the dock.  As I recall, we were finally ignominiously towed in.

So it was with curiosity and vicarious pleasure that I read about the River of Life: Connecticut River Pilgrimage, 2017. At the suggestion of The Rt. Rev. A. Robert Hirschfeld, Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire; with the support of the seven New England Episcopal dioceses; and in partnership with other organizations, a 40-day, 406-mile river pilgrimage was launched.

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By Anne A. Simpkinson, Director of Communications  | 

Spiritual and Inspirational Gems

Working here at Mercy by the Sea, we are blessed to encounter profound, uplifting and thought-provoking spiritual books, videos and articles.  We wanted to share with you just a few of the gems that staff members have recently come across.

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By Staff of Mercy by the Sea  |