
In the Same the Airport

Recently I attended a meeting of the leaders of Mercy retreat houses in the U.S. where the conversation focused on what people need today and how Mercy retreat houses can fill those needs. Everyone spoke deeply about the good people who show up at our doors looking for something — perhaps silence, a re-connection with themselves or God, or a trained and listening ear. I was inspired by the conversation and realized I was not alone in this unique ministry. We agreed to collaborate and cooperate with one another for the common good, to share our ideas and knowledge, and to continue to work together.

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By Eileen Dooling, RSM  | 

Spiritual and Inspirational Gems

Working here at Mercy by the Sea, we are blessed to encounter profound, uplifting and thought-provoking spiritual books, videos and articles.  We wanted to share with you just a few of the gems that staff members have recently come across.

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By Staff of Mercy by the Sea  | 

Standing Rocks

In the crisp morning chill of late autumn, I walked along the beach at Mercy by the Sea, feeling as grey as the sky. I was going through a very painful transition in life  ̶  one of those that, if seen through, makes you more aware of all that is good about you, and if not… well, not. It was early enough in the process that I could not see any outcome, good or bad. I felt lost.

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By George Herrick Lasua  | 

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