sacred space

Practicing Stillness in My Prayer Chair

I don’t recall when I first began sitting in my prayer chair early each morning. With the demands of four young children, most likely my practice was born out of necessity.  I needed quiet and peace before the many tasks of motherhood took precedence.

The chair is just an ordinary chair that over the years acquired meaning beyond just a piece of furniture. I don’t remember which child first named it the “prayer chair” or which one called the living room the “loving room” but somehow we all sensed the subtle field of grace that permeated the room.

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By Laurie Blefeld, author, spiritual director and retreat facilitator  | 

Mercy for All

Many of you, as you read this, will find yourself recalling how special your times at Mercy by the Sea have been. Whether walking the grounds, sitting by the water or attending a program, you tell us that you experience the Center as a sacred space of peace and tranquility where your hearts are strengthened and spirits renewed.

I am sure you have thought, as I have, that you wished everyone could have this experience. We agree!

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By Lorraine LaVigne, RSM   |