Why the Only Future Worth Building Includes Everyone

By A TED Talk by Pope Francis

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Pope Francis has been heralded as a champion of immigrants, climate change, peace, the poor and oppressed.  In a recent TED Talk, Pope Francis, speaking in Italian with subtitles, made several points.

 The first was because everything is connected, we need one another. He also expressed his hope that technological and scientific innovation would serve to create more socio-economic equality in the world, and lastly he prays for a “revolution of tenderness.”

He urged listeners to “help each other … to remember that the other is not a statistic or a number.  The other has a face,” he said. He pointedly stated that the more power we have, the more our actions impact other people.  The more powerful have more responsibility to act humbly, he said.

The almost 18-minute talk, delivered from the Vatican, was shown at the TED conference entitled “The Future You.”