
The Blog of Mercy by the Sea

We at Mercy by the Sea have so much we want to share with you:

  • Inspiring and transformational quotes, prayers, poems, videos and books we discover or rediscover
  • Conversations with upcoming presenters
  • News and events about what's happening at Mercy by the Sea
  • Resources and thoughts on contemplative prayer, spiritual direction, the second half of life, emerging leadership, creativity, our relationship with nature and much more!

You'll find seasonal photos of the grounds — vegetation, trees and winged and four-legged creatures that make their homes here.  We'll capture changes in the light and colors as the seasons change.  So bookmark this page and come back regularly. or subscribe to our weekly eNewsletter where these posts will be sent to your email inbox.

A Letter from the Executive Director

Dear Friends,

This past weekend we marked World Labyrinth Day with 65 participants who helped us celebrate the restoration of our Labyrinth. The day had a contemplative spirit as we envisioned thousands of others walking labyrinths in different time zones creating a rolling wave of peaceful energy throughout the globe. Today’s world so fraught with war, political division, a shocking rise in gun violence, and so much unrest, calls us to set our intention to prayerfully walk as one for a world with peace. As agents of peace, wherever we are, let us call to mind our intention that there be peace on Earth within our global family.

We are deeply grateful for all who contributed to the restoration, donors, volunteers, staff. The new brick in the Mercy by the Sea labyrinth has been purposefully placed alongside the original stone, holding the long lineage of guests who have walked the labyrinth since 1998, and Mercy friendships present and emerging. You are now welcome to walk the labyrinth when you visit Mercy by the Sea, stepping into the circular pathway, a divine imprint. It is soaked in prayer and hopes for peace and harmony, a peace that will emerge when we make conscious choices for the good of the world’s environment, creatures, and people.  

In Mercy,

Sr. Anne Curtis, RSM
Executive Director


Posted 5/9/2024

A Letter from the Executive Director

Dear Friends,

We have had the gift of 7 women religious from different communities here on sabbatical for the past 6 weeks. It might seem like the gift is theirs, but we have been so enriched by their presence and energy. As a hosted group was departing last week, a good number of them went over to the Sister’s table in the dining room to say goodbye and hug. Clearly a connection had been made!

Sabbatical is a time apart, to rest and renew one’s spirit, to listen deeply. It might appear as if nothing is going on; however, a sabbatical time reminds us once again of who we belong to, our grounding. It’s countercultural in a society driven by success, wealth, and consumerism. It’s a witness in faith, to cease producing, to be still. It’s a reminder that one’s value and identity is not to be found in what one does or produces. The silence and God’s beauty and creative wonder here give ample time to pray, reflect, and ponder over all sorts of concerns and the condition of our nation and world. Out of that space, we have all been strengthened by the stepping aside of these 7 Sisters to pray and notice and be present to all that is. 

As they begin to take their leave and return to what they are now called to, we bless and thank them for the beautiful grace they have been to us. 

In Mercy,

Sr. Anne Curtis, RSM
Executive Director

Posted 4/25/2024

A Letter from the Executive Director

Dear Friends,

At Mercy by the Sea we have been so blessed with donors, volunteers and staff who have been restoring our labyrinth. As a “re-inauguration,” we are looking forward to participating in World Labyrinth Day on May 4 to “Walk as One at 1”. It is an annual international event founded in 2009 by The Labyrinth Society to globally walk a labyrinth as one at 1:00 p.m. with the purpose of creating a rolling wave of peace and prayer moving around the globe.

Walking the labyrinth is an ancient spiritual practice — a way to quiet our minds and open our hearts and spirits to the presence of the Holy. Every step is a prayer to foster a sense of contemplation and transformation for oneself and the world.

We will celebrate the restoration of the labyrinth and join the global community on this day with a variety of events. For more information click here.

We are compelled to act for peace at this time with so many of our sisters and brothers suffering from war and violence, as well as Earth crying out for our care and relief of suffering. The day will be a moving meditation for world peace. You might want to pause at 1:00 p.m. on May 4 to join your prayer to this wave of peace around the world. …"guide our feet into the path of peace." (Luke 1:79)

In Mercy,

Sr. Anne Curtis, RSM
Executive Director

Posted 4/11/2024

Letter from the Executive Director

Dear Friends,

Today we begin the Triduum retreat at Mercy by the Sea, one continuous prayer, a single celebration of the Paschal Mystery spread over three days, which will culminate with the Easter Vigil.

We are also united these days with the religious traditions and sacred days of our Muslim neighbors who are in the midst of Ramadan and our Jewish brothers and sisters as they look to Passover in the coming weeks. We join in one prayer and journey together. 

Gathering in this sacred time, Earth is erupting into spring with all its magnificence, and it is also a time of over 110 active wars – Middle East, Ukraine, Haiti… Our own country is plagued with political, racial, and economic divides. Our common home, Earth, is in crisis. Palm Sunday through Good Friday into Easter is a heart-stretching pilgrimage which requires us to hold the very real grief of so much death, with the astonishing promise of rebirth. 

At the heart of the story is God's transforming one of the worst symbols, the cross, into one of the most beautiful, the Tree of Life. These days invite us to love – to Love in Service – Love in Surrender and Love in New Life!

May these days be holy for each of us, for our world. Let us walk this sacred time, together, in great love.

In Mercy,

Sr. Anne Curtis, RSM
Executive Director

Posted 3/28/2024