The Mary Paintings by Catherine Steinberg
Mercy by the Sea has been privileged to display this extraordinary set of paintings for some time. We’re grateful to Catherine for so generously sharing them with us. Our bookstore—only open currently to our retreat participants because of continuing COVID restrictions—sells her Mary cards, but they can also be purchased online here.
The Mary Paintings are aspects of the Divine Feminine that were conceived through Catherine Steinberg’s dreams and shamanic journey work from January thru June, 2011. They were inspired by her readings about Mary Magdalene and her work with women in psychotherapy and expressive arts. Catherine believes that the Divine Feminine is revealing her Self more and more at this time to support the evolution of consciousness and the energetic alignment of our planet so that both men and women can develop to their highest potential for the greater good and live in universal harmony, peace and love.
Catherine says, “These thirteen images came through me to be brought into the world at this time. There is significance to the number 13: the passing of cycles; the number of full moons per year (and their goddesses); the 13 grandmothers in Native American traditions; and the 13 guests at the Last Supper of Christ. I like to think of this collection of paintings as the 13 disciples/aspects of Mary Magdalene. The Marys came to me robed in abstract form. Their faces are without discriminating characteristics since they are ageless, timeless, and without cultural definition so they are owned by no one, yet can be claimed by everyone. You may choose to use them or to have your own conversations with the images as you come to know them. May the Marys help bring in the light of the Divine Feminine.”
About Catherine
Catherine Nogas-Steinberg, LMFT, is a licensed marriage and family therapist with over 40 years of experience with individuals, couples, families and groups. Her treatment with clients tends to be relatively brief, with creative solutions to identified issues. She combines training in family systems models and gestalt therapy with elements from alternative disciplines to help the person achieve balance of mind, body, and spirit which promotes a healthy, satisfying relationship with oneself as well as others.
What nourishes Catherine’s soul is her art and adventure. She has been an artist since early childhood and finds self-expression to be her meditation and source of renewal. Travel to sacred sites and natural places of beauty have become sources of inspiration to her. Sharing these journeys with like-minded companions intensifies the experiences of mystery, beauty and oneness.
Read more about Catherine and her vision for the paintings on her website.