
On Creativity and Spirituality

Creativity and spirituality are intimately connected. We speak of God as creating or bringing being out of nothingness. Our creative endeavor is the search for the apt expression of being.

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By Mary C. Daly, RSM  | 

Print and Online Spiritual Resources

Many of you who come to Mercy by the Sea see us as a unique, contemplative, restorative and transformative resource that helps you along your spiritual journey. But there are many other spiritual resources that can inspire you in between your visits.  Here is a list of old favorites, like The Sun and Tikkun, and some valuable new finds like Anchor magazine and Relief.  Check them out and see which one or ones speak to your heart.

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By Anne A. Simpkinson, Director of Communications  | 

Prayers and Poems from Our Contemplative Weekend Retreat

Last weekend, Program Associate Claire Rusowicz and I welcomed 35 individuals who came to Mercy by the Sea to “rest in God.” The three-day silent retreat offered Centering Prayer sessions; a labyrinth walk; Saturday night gathering with chants, prayers and reflection; and much quiet time for walks on the beach and grounds, reading, gazing at the artwork that graces the main building; and private prayer.

Many of the participants asked for copies of various quotes, poems and prayers that were used throughout the retreat.  Here is a sampling:

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By By Anne A. Simpkinson, Director of Communications  |