
Print and Online Spiritual Resources

Many of you who come to Mercy by the Sea see us as a unique, contemplative, restorative and transformative resource that helps you along your spiritual journey. But there are many other spiritual resources that can inspire you in between your visits.  Here is a list of old favorites, like The Sun and Tikkun, and some valuable new finds like Anchor magazine and Relief.  Check them out and see which one or ones speak to your heart.

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By Anne A. Simpkinson, Director of Communications  | 

Nothing Is Exempt from Resurrection

As I look at spring emerging after the winter—the daffodils smiling from the overgrowth, the crocuses strong and sturdy, the renewed sense of energy all around—I am aware again that resurrection is an integral part of life.  Poet and educator Kay Ryan writes that “Nothing is exempt from Resurrection!”

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By Eileen Doolong, RSM  | 

Standing Rocks

In the crisp morning chill of late autumn, I walked along the beach at Mercy by the Sea, feeling as grey as the sky. I was going through a very painful transition in life  ̶  one of those that, if seen through, makes you more aware of all that is good about you, and if not… well, not. It was early enough in the process that I could not see any outcome, good or bad. I felt lost.

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By George Herrick Lasua  | 

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